Safe Chef needed a web-based eLearning application for their food safety training course. Their course covers 13 lessons of content and prepares students for the national food safety exam.
As users work their way through each lesson, they are provided with audio and written/visual content. They cannot advance to the next page until the audio is completed, so this ensures that they are presented with all material required. Each lesson contains 2-3 practice quizzes, which help to reinforce the most important information in the lesson. After completing the lesson, users must pass the end of lesson quiz before advancing to the next lesson. At the end of the quiz, they are given a "Report Card" which reviews their answers to each question.
The extensive content for the course was written and developed by a team of experts in the field and professional educators. They provided a variety of Powerpoints and Media files, which we were able to sanitize, parse, and ultimately use as a data source for the application. We utilized a simple templating system to control the display of resources by slide-type. Various widgets available included image galleries, videos, tables and lists.
Users can move through the chapters as they unlock content. The first time you see a slide, you have to listen to the full voiceover before advancing. You can pause and resume the audio, as well as go back at any time. After having listened to a slide at least once, you can go forward to the next one. The UI also displays a completion meter so users know how much content remains.
There are 2 types of quizzes in the application: Pop Quizzes and End of Lesson Quizzes. All questions have voiceover, as well as the multiple choice answers. The order of the answers is randomized to reduce cheating, and users can access their notepad at anytime. Correct and incorrect answers are explained in Pop Quizzes, and users get a report card with more info for End of Lesson Quizzes. To unlock the next chapter, users must pass the end of lesson quiz.